“Palang Tod Siskiyaan” is an Indian web series available on the Ullu app. The series features Tarakesh Chauhan in the role of Sasur, Noor Malabika as Renu, Shivkant Lakhan Pal as Renu’s husband, and Sohil Shaikh as Chotu. The narrative likely explores intricate relationships and desires, offering an engaging storyline for viewers on the Ullu platform. With a cast led by talented actors, “Palang Tod Siskiyaan” is part of the diverse content available on Ullu, known for its bold and unconventional storytelling in the digital entertainment space.
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ToggleStory Line of Palang Tod Siskiyaan
“Palang Tod Siskiyaan” narrates the story of Renu, an unhappy wife seeking a sense of liberation. Her journey takes an unexpected turn as she discovers fulfilment not within her marriage but in an unconventional connection with her semi-paralyzed father-in-law. The plot intricately explores the complexities of desire and the repercussions of unconventional choices. Renu is faced with the challenge of managing the aftermath and dealing with the upheaval that has disrupted her world. The series provides a nuanced exploration of themes like passion, intimacy, and the intricate dynamics of human relationships, prompting viewers to reflect on societal norms.
Check out Palang Tod Siskiyaan’s cast and story online for free
Series Name | Palang Tod Siskiyaan |
Season | 2 |
Cast | Tarakesh Chauhan as Sasur Noor Malabika as Renu Shivkant Lakhan Pal – Husband of Renu Sohil Shaikh as Chotu Rajesh Yadav as Anil |
Streaming Platform | Ullu |
No of Episode | 4 |
Release Date | 05 August 2022 |
Country | India |
Genre | 18+, Drama |
Language | Hindi |
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Palang Tod Siskiyaan Cast
Web Series | Siskiyaan (Season 1, 2 and 3) |
Cast (Male Actor) | Tarakesh Chauhan (Sasur) Shivkant Lakhan Pal (Husband) Sohil Shaikh (Chotu) |
Cast (Female Actress) | Noor Malabika (Renu) Hiral Raddadiya (Mary) |