Hello All! Thanks for showing interest in our website. Our site, filminight.com, was founded in early 2022. This website aims to give viewers knowledge about the people trending in Indian news and famous personalities all around India.
The content provided here on filminight.com is based upon various studies from the web, books, newspapers, and other resources. All the images that you see on this website are already in the public domain. We never use anything that “celebrities or photographers” do not wish to be shared on the net. If you find anything on the website that the actual owner doesn’t want us to share, please contact us immediately via filminightweb@gmail.com, and we will remove those pictures within 5 hours. (Obviously, after checking whether you really own that piece of content or not.)
If you guys have any feedback, please directly contact us via filminightweb@gmail.com, and we will respond in less than 24 hours.
Your feedback is taken very seriously, and we will make the changes to the site based on that. I hope you guys enjoy the content on our website! Have a fantastic day ahead.